Mark your calendar! As part of “Emakeelepäevad” at the Chicago Estonian House, we will have a theater performance on Friday, May 26th by David Harrower „Musträstas“ (Hendrik Toompere, Ester Kuntu, Johan Elm) and on Saturday, May 27th we will have a concert featuring Nele-Liis Vaiksoo, Ingmar Erik Kiviloo, and Uku Suviste. Each event is $30 per person; both events will be $50.Read More →

We are sad to announce the passing of long-time member Jan Teetsov who passed away on November 17th 2022. Jan was an active supporter of the Estonian and served multiple terms on the Board of Directors and as the Chicago Estonian House’s Treasurer. He will be missed. Condolences to his wife, family and friends.Read More →

2022. aasta peakoosolekul võeti vastu ettepanek lubada Chicago Eesti Majal korraldada oma iga-aastastel valimistel elektrooniline hääletamine. 2023. aasta valimisteks katsetame väikese arvu liikmetega elektroonilist hääletamist.

At the 2022 annual meeting, a resolution was adopted to allow the Chicago Estonian House to organize electronic voting in its annual elections. 2023. We will pilot electronic voting with a small number of members for this year’s election.Read More →

Eesti välisministeerium ja SA Kodanikuühiskonna Sihtkapital kutsuvad välismaal elavaid Eesti noori kandideerima stipendiumile erialase praktika läbimiseks Eestis.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia and the SA Civic Society Endowment Fund invite young Estonians living abroad to apply for a scholarship to complete a professional internship in Estonia.Read More →