We are sad to announce the passing of long-time members Magdalena Merits and Luule Eilau who passed away in January 2024.  Condolences to their families and friends.Read More →

The annual voting for President, 1/3rd of the Board members and Audit Committee is now open. This year’s ballot includes a link for electronic voting the ElectionBuddy.com.Read More →

Keep an eye on your US mailbox for 2024 voting materials. This year you will be able to vote on-line, via mail or by dropping off your ballot at the Eesti Maja. The annual meeting will be on March 24, 2024. All members are encouraged to attend.Read More →

The Estonian Students’ Fund 2024 application cycle is open and they are receiving applications from new and returning students! Application portal is open until 150 applications are received or March 1st, whichever comes first. Information: https://esfusa.orgRead More →

Jõuluvana kinkide nimekiri sulgub 1. dets, palun registreeri oma laps kui ta soovib saada kingitust jõuluvanalt 17. dets Eesti maja jõulupuul! Reg. Maie Taits 847-340-5630 või e-meil: president@eestimaja.com Santa’s gift list closes on Dec. 1, please register your child if they want to receive a gift from Santa on Dec. 17 at the Eesti Maja Christmas tree! Register with Maie Taits 847-340-5630 or e-mail: president@eestimaja.comRead More →

Bring your children to the annual Children’s Christmas Party at the Chicago Estonian House on December 17th. If you would like your child to receive a gift from Santa, please e-mail president@eestimaja.com and include your child’s name, age and gender.Read More →

Estonian citizens will be able to apply for a passport or ID-card (both first time applications and renewal applications are accepted), give fingerprints for applying for an Estonian passport or ID-card in web and receive previously ordered documents. Contact the Honorary Consul Siim Sööt at siim678@gmail.com. Read More →

Come join us on December 9th to enjoy the company of your friends, a buffet dinner and dance to the music of “Ansambel Ma Ma” from Estonia. The evening begins at 6pm with cocktails and dinner will be served at 8 pm. Vana Tallinn bar will be open (corkage fees charged if you bring your own liquor). Tickets are $60 per person (includes dinner) is reserved and paid before December 1st. After December 1st and at the door, ticket prices are $75 per person. Call Mailis at 847.668.5706 or the Estonian House at 720.378.6642 to make your reservation. You can also use this link toRead More →