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Eesti Kool / Estonian School

Chicago Eesti Maja 14700 Estonian Ln, Riverwoods

Päkapikkude jõulupidu. Laste jõulu kontsert-etendus. Pidulik jõululõuna eesti kogukonnale Chicagos. Jõulutaat tuleb külla! Elves' Christmas Party. Children's Christmas concert performance. Festive Christmas lunch for the Estonian community in Chicago. Santa is coming to visit!

The First Estonian Evangelical Church of Chicago Christmas Worship Service

EELK Chicago Esimese Koguduse Jõuluteenistus. 3. Advent. Teenib diakonõpetaja Gilda Karu (847-577-1337 või Kõik on teretulnud! The First Estonian Evangelical Church of Chicago worship Christmas Service. We celebrate the third week of Advent. Deacon Pastor Gilda Karu officiating (847-577-1337 or All are welcome.

Jõulu Lõunasöök / Christmas Lunch

Chicago Eesti Maja 14700 Estonian Ln, Riverwoods

Join us for lunch featuring traditional Estonian foods at the Estonian House. Frozen Christmas Sausage will also be available for sale. Check our Facebook page for menu details. Tulge Eesti Majja et nautida traditsiooniliste Eesti toitusid. Verivorstide müük koju viimiseks. Menüü üksikasju leiate meie Facebooki lehelt.

Jõulupuu / Children’s Christmas Party

Chicago Eesti Maja 14700 Estonian Ln, Riverwoods

Serving Christmas Lunch at 13.00 after which the we will have performances by the Estonian School children and a visit by Santa Claus. (If you would like your child to receive a gift from Santa, please RSVP by sending an e-mail to and include your child's name, age and gender.)

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