Kutsume kõiki Eesti päritolu noori! Calling all Estonian youth!
Are you seeking to become the greatest version of yourself? Do you want to land that dream job/internship? Do you want to create something that has a lasting positive impact on the world? Do you wish you had a highly expe rienced mentor guiding you along the way?
The Estonian American National Council is launching a new groundbreaking initiative, the Estonian Mentorship Network (“EMN”), that will serve to connect youth ages 18 to 35 with industry-leading mentors from a diverse array of backgrounds. The EMN will equip youth with the knowledge, tools and resources in order to help position them for professional and personal success. The EMN seeks to create a robust support network, to inspire young people to critically think, and ultimately, to become highly effective change agents in their own lives and their local communities. All participants will be paired with a mentor from an industry/academic field that they are interested in pursuing or otherwise have similar interests with. All youth who are interested in participating must sign up via this link: bit.ly/eestimentor
The initiative is sponsored by EANC, the nationally-elected central organization of Estonian Americans in the U.S. who supports Estonian cultural activities and organizations in the U.S. and works to create awareness and support for Estonia among all Americans. More info can be found at estosite.org