Eesti välisministeerium ja SA Kodanikuühiskonna Sihtkapital kutsuvad välismaal elavaid Eesti noori kandideerima stipendiumile erialase praktika läbimiseks Eestis.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia and the SA Civic Society Endowment Fund invite young Estonians living abroad to apply for a scholarship to complete a professional internship in Estonia.Read More →

Eesti Üliõpilaste Toetusfond toetab kõrgemates õppeasutustes täisajaga õppivaid eesti päritoluga üliõpilasi, määrates stipendiumeid kandidaatidele, kes on üles näidanud akadeemilist võimekust ja ühiskondlikku aktiivsust ning panustanud oma tegevusega Eesti ühiskonda

ESF has begun accepting applications for 2023/24 Fulltime Student Scholarships from Estonian candidates in their senior year in a USA high school and graduates of USA high schools.Read More →

The “Heritage Magnifying Glass” exhibition presents the heritage that is dealt with daily in the fields of national metalwork, construction and textiles. Heritage is part of us, our identity, self-awareness, sense of place and space, everyday environment. Legacy is a living thing. It develops with us and finds ever new forms and outlets.The exhibition “Heritage Magnifying Glass” takes a closer look at traditional techniques and materials, but above all in a modern context.The exhibition was offered to us by the Estonian Cultural Foundation in the United States of America. Organizer of the exhibition: Department of National Handicrafts of the Viljandi University of Culture Academy. TheRead More →

We wish to thank all of our members and guests who have supported us throughout 2022. A special thanks to those who donated during our “Giving Tuesday 2022” campaign: Mailis Ausmees, Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture, Marge Poll Bruno, Rebecca Busch, Kirsti Lööndre Dohn, Aarne Elias, Gilda Karu, Lea Kund, Ingrid Jaanson, Kristiina Jakobson, Nora Laos, Mari Margit, Andres Merits, Mai Meyers, Mari-Ann MP, Tiina Murro, Kaia Papaya, Heli Peters, Hilja Pikat, Tiia Saaremets, Ellen Smith, Siim Sööt, Maie Taits, Monika Tiido, and Katrin Tullinen.Read More →

Starting Tuesday, November 29th and continuing until the end of the year, please show your support for the Chicago Estonian House through a #givingtuesday2022 donation or by making a donation today on our website (   The funds help us provide a home for Estonian music, art, theater, folk dancing, the Chicago Estonian School, and the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church. We are also a home for the Finnish American Society of the Midwest, Normennenes Singing Society, Latvian Folkdance, and local theater in Riverwoods.   We are a 100% volunteer-run organization supported by donations and through the events we host throughout the year. Please consider makingRead More →

During his time in Estonia, Chicago Eesti Maja member Liam Kivirist had the incredible opportunity to participate in the “Back to Our Roots Youth Exchange”, which brings people of Estonian descent from around the world to join locals on a 10-day adventure around the country, experiencing Estonian culture and exploring the topic of migration. He shares his experiences in Estonia for those that may be interested and hopefully bring the annual project to the attention of more Estonians abroad who would be eligible to participate. Read it here.Read More →

Jõulupidu Chicago Eesti Majas koos laste eeskavaga. Jõuluvana külaskäik lastele. Päev algab kirikuga kell 11.30, lõunaga kell 13.00 ja programmiga kell 14.00. Christmas party in Chicago Eesti Maja with children’s special program. Visit from Santa for the children. The day begins with church at 11:30 am, lunch at 1 pm and a program at 2 pm.Read More →

Chicago Eesti Koolil on taas toimumas suvelaager!  Mis? Tore suvelaager lastele vanused 2 kuni 17. Laagris toimuvad põnevad mängud, spordi tegevused, keele õppimine ja palju muud huvitavat veel! Kus? Chicago Eesti Majas (14700 Estonian Ln, Riverwoods, IL 60015) Millal? Algus 4. August 10AM – 4PM August 5: 10AM – August 6 10AM (lapsed ööbivad Eesti Majas reedel Aug.5 öösel – kuni 6 aastastel lastel soovitav vanemaga koos ööbimine) Miks? Kohata teisi ägedaid Eesti päritolu lapsi, õppida Eesti keelt ja mängida suurepäraseid mänge Hind? $95 Chicago Eesti Kooli 2021/2022 kooliaasta õpilastele ja $115 kõikidele teistele. Allahindlus hinnast alates pere teisest lapsest. (Iga järgnev laps on 20% odavam!). Hind Sisaldab snäkke, õhtusööki, hommikusööki ja LõunasöökiRead More →

We are sad to announce the passing of long-time member Frank Quinn who passed away on May 10th. Frank was an accomplished artist who illustrated many of the Chicago Estonian House’s advertisements and announcements over the years. He last provided the artwork for our 50th anniversary program. He will be missed. Condolences to his family and friends.Read More →