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The First Estonian Evangelical Church of Chicago Worship Service
September 8, 2024 @ 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
E.E.L.K. Chicago Esimese Koguduse Jumalateenistus armulauaga toimub Chicago Eesti Majas pühapäeval 8. septembril 2024, kell 11:30 e.l. Suurpõgenemise 80 aastapäeva teenistus. Teenib diakonõpetaja Gilda Karu. Kõik on teretulnud.
The First Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church of Chicago will hold a church service with holy communion on Sunday, June 11, 2023 at 11:30 am. The service commemorates the 80th anniversary of the Great Flight. Deacon Pastor Gilda Karu leads worship. All are welcome.