A big thanks for all who helped organize and for those who attended our annual mid-summer celebration. The weather was beautiful and fun was had by all.  Read More →

The Board of the Chicago Estonian House met on May 2 for its regular monthly meeting. Main points that were discussed and decided can be found by clicking the headline.Read More →

The Chicago Estonian House has formed a Landscaping Committee to put together a comprehensive plan for the outdoor spaces that enhance everyone’s enjoyment of the grounds. From flowers and bushes to lighting and other hardscapes, we will look at what needs to be done to refresh the property. Ingrid Jaanson is leading this effort and if you would like to participate, please send her an email at: ijaanson@hotmail.com Meetings will be starting soon.Read More →

Mark your calendar for these upcoming events at the Chicago Estonian House:

  • May 8 – Vana Tallinn Grand Reopening
  • June 19 – Jaanipäev
  • August 28 – Muinastulede Öö
  • October 2 – Estoberfest
  • November 20 – International Christmas Market (Jõululaat)
  • December 19 – Jõulupuu

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The Estonian House mourns the passing of our member Jaak Teetsov who passed away on April 8th. Our condolences go out to his family and friends. We would also like to thank the following people for memorial donations in Jaak Teetsov’s name ($385): Audrey Gioiosa, Matti Jaanimägi, Dick and Dina Peinert, and his daughters Lee Anne & Susan.Read More →

With the easing of coronavirus restrictions in Illinois, the Chicago Estonian House Board of Directors has decided to begin opening the facilities within the guidelines of the state. We are resuming lunches, church services and school days. We are asking members to observe social distancing, wear masks and use the hand wash positioned around the building. We will be disinfecting with a fogger after each day of use. Read More →

At the annual membership meeting on March 21, 2021, Aarne Elias was announced as the new president of the Chicago Estonian House. He will serve a three year term. The board members re-elected to another term are Aivo Entson, Mehis Vahtra, and Tiina Vilgo. We welcome two new board members: Carl Ausmees and Eero Pikat. The Audit Committee’s new chairman is Reet Soot with re-elected auditor Kaia McCarthy and new auditor Peter Elias.Read More →