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Eesti Kool / Estonian School

Chicago Eesti Maja 14700 Estonian Ln, Riverwoods, IL, United States

Päkapikkude jõulupidu. Laste jõulu kontsert-etendus. Pidulik jõululõuna eesti kogukonnale Chicagos. Jõulutaat tuleb külla! Elves' Christmas Party. Children's Christmas concert performance. Festive Christmas lunch for the Estonian community in Chicago. Santa is coming to visit!

Jõulupuu / Children’s Christmas Party

Chicago Eesti Maja 14700 Estonian Ln, Riverwoods, IL, United States

Serving Christmas Lunch at 13.00 after which the we will have performances by the Estonian School children and a visit by Santa Claus. (If you would like your child to receive a gift from Santa, please RSVP by sending an e-mail to and include your child's name, age and gender.)

Christmas Band & Theater Camp / Jõuluteemaline Bändi ja Teatrilaager

Chicago Eesti Maja 14700 Estonian Ln, Riverwoods, IL, United States

Talvelaager Chicago Eesti majas! Ootame lapsi vanuses 3-17 Chicago Eesti Kooli bändi ja teatri laagrisse! Laager toimub 20-23 Detsember. Info Maie Taits või tel 1(847)340-5630.   Winter Day camp at the Chicago Estonian House! Call all children between 3-17 years old to the Band & Theater Camp at the Chicago Estonian House! The day camp will be held December 20-23. Info Maie Taits or call 1(847)340-5630.

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